ALmix Insignia Control System (ICS) | Overview

Over the years, ALmix has become renowned as a provider of industry leading asphalt mixing plants. Throughout this time, we’ve seen major changes to technologies across the many facets of the industry. As the pace of change and the introduction of new technology accelerates, we are pleased to offer a plant control system that is designed to embrace these changes and keep your operation ahead of the curve.

The ALmix Insignia Control System or ICS, is a Total Plant Control System in every sense of the phrase. It has been organically designed through a collaboration of ALmix software engineers, field service personnel and plant operators. Its open architecture has been engineered from the ground up to be able to adapt to the ever-changing requirements of the asphalt plant industry.

Welcome to a New Standard in HMA Automation.


ALmix Insignia Control System (ICS) | System Capabilities

The heart of the ICS System is an Allen Bradley ControlLogix™ PLC and Industrial Grade PC operating on the latest Windows™ platform. The ICS system controls the complete blending process across every plant station and provides real-time plant production data and status of each individual I/O, including component data. The system also has the ability to provide fuel and power consumption data. The data collected and provided by ICS gives you a comprehensive view of your plant’s performance that can be used to drive business decision-making. Gone are the days of guesswork and estimations. Unlimited mix designs, individualized moisture control, charting and reporting capabilities, volumetric and scale modes, flexible settings for timing and synchronization and backup/restore all come standard to give you an even sharper edge on your market.

ALmix Insignia Control System (ICS) in operator Mode

ALmix Insignia Control System (ICS) in operator Mode

ALmix Insignia Control System (ICS) | Standard Features

  • Multi-point capability for all calibrations includes cold feeder, RAP feeder, belt scales, silo & tank level, temperature, pressure, etc. This reduces non-linearity error and improves accuracy for the full operating range.Automatic burner control with start-up and firing percentage status.

  • Ignition diagnostic diagram displays the entire ignition sequence and pinpoints any failure to fire.

  • Independent actuators for air, oil, and gas valves allow precise positioning without mechanical linkages.

  • Air to Fuel ratios are displayed graphically and may be adjusted infinitely. 

  • Automatic air damper control with opening percentage (or exhaust fan speed control) and drum negative pressure status.

  • Compressed air pressure display.

  • Integrated chart recorder for Mix Temperature and AC Temperature.

  • Automatic baghouse cleaning control with baghouse differential pressure status.

  • Automatic batcher and silo selection control with actual batcher position, cross-drag conveyor flop chutes, and silos status.

  • Interlocks, warnings, settable limits, and logs for added safety.

  • Wide range of reports for production records and material consumption.

  • Remote support provision facilitates fine-tuning & troubleshooting of the control system by ALmix engineers via internet or dial-up connection.

  • Plant maintenance, parts, and operation manuals are stored on the system hard drive for easy reference.

  • Plant wiring diagrams are stored on the system hard drive for easy reference.

EASY-TO-NAVIGATE USER EXPERIENCE: Designed with modern, tailored graphics, a comprehensive Primary Operating Display, and built-in burner controls, all at the click of a mouse, the ICS control system features a visually appealing user experience that is both easy and intuitive to learn. The system’s clearly identified switches, meters, and warnings ensure that the plant operator is in total control of all aspects of plant production.

THE POWER OF ETHERNET: Say goodbye to hard-wiring every I/O to a PLC rack. The ICS system is designed to reduce start-up time, downtime, and total cost of ownership through the use of a high-speed Ethernet network. This network allows the connection of all devices directly to an ALmix plant’s PLC via Ethernet, which yields information such as run and error signals, motor amps, diagnostics, auto-device replacement, and more. This design allows our remote program engineers to operate like they are in the control house with you, with instant access to thousands of device parameters and settings.

REMOTE SUPPORT: The ICS system comes standard with the ability to leverage the ALmix team of program experts for support, right from our facilities to your control house. This remote support provision facilitates fine-tuning and troubleshooting of the ICS system by ALmix engineers through the use of the control house’s high-speed internet connection.


Download the Insignia Control System Brochure

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The ALmix Loadout System | Overview

The ALmix Insignia Loadout System combines loading, KPI, reporting, security, and ticketing all in one package.  The all-new user interface allows the user to customize the features that are directly visible.  Themes allow the operator to choose what color scheme is best for the viewing environment.  Live ticket view allows the operator to see the ticket as it is created so ticket errors and reprints are corrected before they are needed.  Data integration is a priority whether it be to the Insignia Cloud suite or to a remote database at the main office.  3rd party integrations are a breeze for the system - sample integrations include Apex, Broadloop, Haulhub, and Viewpoint.  The ALmix InsigniaLS reliability comes from a Rockwell PLC and an Industrial PC.

ALmix Loadout System

almix model cc-2sr control center

almix model cc-2sr control center

ALmix Control Houses | Overview

ALmix designs each control center with the latest available safety and plant control technology, customized precisely for your plant and your expectations. Give your operation the control center it deserves with the technology that will set you apart from your competition. Give your crew the tools they need to succeed in an environment that will keep them safe. Check out our Control House page to learn more.