ALmix Reign of Fire Hot Oil Heater & Burner Controls
REIGHN of fire hot oil heater controls
A New Generation of Heater and Burner Controls.
Welcome to a new generation of Hot Oil Heater management and controls. New ALmix Hot Oil Heaters are supplied with the ALmix “Reign of Fire” (ROF), PLC-based, total heater control and alert system. The ROF system utilizes a 19” touchscreen HMI setup for easy local and remote control. ROF can use either an ethernet connection or a cellular-based setup allowing for remote access, monitoring, and custom alerts from any internet-connected device. With ROF, whether you are at the plant or on the road, you can control your heater schedule, monitor key temperatures, view the heater operation log, or even reset your burner. Existing heater control retrofits are available.
A 2024 Asphalt Contractor Top 30 Award Winner
Reign of Fire Features
An industrial remote access router is supplied for customer remote viewing of hot oil heater information. This feature also allows ALmix service personnel to connect, troubleshoot, and update ROF’s HMI and PLC. The included router can be connected to the internet through the use of an Ethernet cable, or ROF can be upgraded to include a cellular-connected router that enables the router’s remote capabilities.
Reign of Fire annunciation display on mobile device
ALmix Reign of fire alarm display
The ALmix Reign of Fire (ROF) control system has a built-in alert system. Each alarm can be configured to be sent out to single contact in the contact list or a whole group. The alert can be configured to be sent as an email or a text message. Once a contact has received a message, the system can be connected to remotely to see what corrective action is needed.
The Alarm display screen shows the First Out Alarms, Current Alarms, and Alarm History. There are buttons to clear the First Out Alarms as well as the PLC Safety and Burner Enable Resets.
almix reign of fire main navigation window
Web page and Cellphone App connectivity for remote viewing and reset operation.
8 Interlock Digital Inputs / 4 Analog Inputs.
6 digital Inputs for Burner specific functions or interlocks.
4 specified Digital Outputs and 4 spare Digital Outputs.
15.6” Dedicated PLC Annunciation screen included for control, operation and troubleshooting purposes.
Hardwired and Software controlled High Stack.
Temperature Safety.
Remote support capabilities by ALmix engineers via customer’s internet connection.